The Power of Drama



‘The Power of Drama” Intervention and Development Programme is a specially designed intervention programme with the aims of improving children’s confidence, self-esteem, literacy and listening skills.

  • Years 1 - 6
  • 1 day per week for 6 weeks
  • 4 x 60 minute sessions - 40 pupils per day/project

Working in school one day a week for 6 weeks, delivering 4 x 60 minute sessions for one Year group at a time. The pupil's are usually selected from the schools 'Gifted & Talented' 'EAL' or 'Free School Meal' groups. We provide written weekly feedback which includes comments on individual's progress, thus providing the evidence that is required when describing the allocation of Pupil Premium funding and data for Ofsted.

Feedback includes:
· Aims of the session - What we hoped to achieve.
· Content - Exercises the children participated in and also 'Why' we did them.
· Children's response - How they responded to the work and what progress was achieved.
· Follow up - identify the groups needs, and what individuals need extra support next time.
· First week includes a short evaluation of each child and the areas they need assistance in - Final week includes individual feedback on each child's progress through the project.

The results from these sessions have proved extremely productive. There are numerous success stories which have resulted from this programme. We have been able to help facilitate previously silent children to 'find their voice'; instilling self belief in a nurturing and supportive environment. EAL children are talking with more confidence and all children are actively volunteering and vocally contributing more in class, assisting them to achieve rapid and sustained progress. 

To date the project has a 100% rebooking history!!!

Every project delivers a different experience to those involved so it rewarding to hear first-hand what our audience took away with them. For some, our projects can be reflective and thought-provoking, for others they can install confidence and ignite passion. Please take a moment to read some reviews from past and present Wizard Theatre clients.

What a privilege to be invited to the sharing of two groups of year five dramatised poems when I was visiting Harwell school last week. The team work was fantastic and the support the pupils gave each other was admirable. In only six weeks they developed such a connection with each other. I sincerely hope I’m in school next time Wizard are there.

Alan Pullinger

Our pupils have thoroughly enjoyed the sessions and have made excellent progress in a range of areas, notably their confidence and self esteem. Pupils who rarely participated in class discussions have developed the confidence to contribute their thoughts and ideas, which has impacted on their progress positively in a range of curriculum areas. I would encourage others to participate in this high quality programme.

A Whelan (Associate Headteac her, St Joseph's Infant School, Wembley)

I thoroughly recommend this 6 week course. The targeted children began fairly quietly and the aim was to develop their self- confidence through speaking and listening skills and activities. This was certainly achieved and the outcomes were excellent. I was amazed by their end of course presentations and their progress has been carried into the classroom and other areas of school life. We have seen a real improvement in their confidence and achievements. All of our work with 'Wizard Theatre' is of a high quality and I am always very impressed by the tutors/actors that they provide.

David O'Farrell (Headteacher at St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School, Harrow)

What a valuable use of our 'pupil premium' grant. Children in most need of the course looked forward to each session and were proud of their achievements during the sessions and at the final demonstration in front of their own teachers. You could see the progress they had made and we were astounded by their dramatisations.

Mark Betts (Headteacher at St Joseph's Junior School, Wembley)